Resolution on Academic Freedom from the University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate
Whereas, the American Association of University Professors adopted the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure and the 1970 Interpretative Comments; and
Whereas, the University of Hawaii’s System Strategic Plan states that the meaningful pursuit of knowledge is possible only in an atmosphere committed to the unfettered expression, discussion, testing, and proof (or disproof) of any idea; that Faculty at every level challenge themselves and their students to expand the body of knowledge, prepare for the future, and shun intellectual complacency; and
Whereas, the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly agreement with the Board of Regents defines the rights and responsibilities with respect to academic freedom of Faculty members covered under that agreement; and
Whereas, the agreement between the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly and the Board of Regents provides for review, by the Faculty Advisory Committee of Academic Freedom, for all grievances alleging violations to academic freedom involving only Faculty Members covered under that agreement;
Therefore, be it resolved that The University of Hawaii at Manoa Faculty Senate affirms its support of the following statements regarding Academic Freedom for all Faculty Members at the University of Hawaii at Manoa:
Statement on Academic Freedom and Responsibility*
Institutions of higher education exist for the common good, which depends upon an uninhibited search for truth and its free expression. To this end, Faculty Members are entitled to full freedom in the classroom in discussing the subject being taught. They are free to pursue scholarly inquiry without undue restriction, and to voice and publish individual conclusions concerning the significance of evidence that they consider relevant. With academic freedom comes responsibility. Scholarly inquiry requires a dispassionate dissection and examination of information. Faculty Members are expected to set forth justly and without suppression the differing opinions of other investigators and to avoid introducing controversial matters into their teaching that have no relevance to the subject. Academic freedom does not imply that a Faculty Member’s research is not subject to critical review and judgment as to its quality and significance. Faculty Members must be free from the corrosive fear that others, inside or outside the University, may threaten their professional endeavors, because their views may differ. When speaking or writing as citizens, Faculty Members must be free from institutional censorship or discipline. However, on such occasions, Faculty Members should make it clear that they are not speaking for the institution (emphasis added)
Statement on Responsibility of University of Hawaii at Manoa
In order for Academic Freedom to flourish, the Administration must develop and implement a plan for handling all perceived Academic Freedom violations involving any faculty member at University of Hawaii at Manoa.
*Derived from these sources: the 2001-2003 Agreement between the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly and the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii (; Texas A&M University System Policies and Regulations: 12.01.99.M2 – University Statement on Academic Freedom, Responsibility, Tenure, and Promotion (; and the University of California Presidential Policies: University Regulation Series No. 5 – Academic Freedom (
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